Category: AEMI Working Papers

AEMI Working Papers

The need for a geopolitical strategy for ASEAN energy security

Abstract Most of efforts by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to enhance energy co-operation are directed inwards, but insufficient attention is being given to addressing the external dimensions of collective energy strategy. ASEAN members, both individually and collectively, […]

ASEAN Energy Technology Strategy, 2015-2030

Abstract One of the key issues facing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in meeting the formidable challenge of providing affordable, lower carbon emission and modern energy services while ensuring equitable access is ASEAN’s capability to adapt and apply […]

Rationale for AEMI

Abstract Primary energy demand in ASEAN is projected to almost double over the next 20 years. This implies further widening of the supply-demand gap, which may well lead to increasing reliance on energy imports and the doubling of ASEAN’s contribution […]

AEMI benefits

Abstract Market integration, ranging from the economy to energy and the environment, has shown it has provided huge benefits for integrated markets. This chapter, which suggests that the ASEAN Energy Market Integration (AEMI) will reap a similar benefit in the […]

AEMI and ASEAN Energy Poverty

Abstract Based on available statistics, between 127 and 130 million people in South-East Asia lack access to electricity. At least 228 million still rely on traditional biomass for cooking, and lack access to clean and modern cooking facilities, with dire […]

The pathway to ASEAN Energy Market Integration

Abstract Global experience in regional energy market integration presents broad elements of integration, i.e., binding agreements, physical infrastructure, standardized or harmonized rules of operation, and governing or coordinating institutions. The pathway to ASEAN Energy Market Integration (AEMI) will also involve […]

The political economy of ASEAN Energy Market Integration

Abstract To date, concerted collective action related to energy has generally been limited to activities where the costs to the individual Governments are either negligible or do not outweigh the short-term benefits. In the meantime, the preference of ASEAN members […]